Project Workpackage Breakdown Structure

WP1000: Scientific Requirements Consolidation

The theme investigated in this project is the unique synergetic capability of past and present ESA and non-ESA Earth Observation mission to provide the required multi-missions products to be used as inputs to a micronekton model in order to produce maps of distribution of biomass of several micronekton functional groups. Three key variables are needed as forcing to the micronekton model: the Temperature, the ocean currents and the primary production. In this workpackage, we will consolidate the scientific requirements regarding these three variables. In particular, the production of 3D ocean currents products from the synergetic use of altimetry, gravity, satellite Sea Surface Salinity, and satellite Sea Surface Temperature.

WP1100: State of the Art Analysis

We will perform a detailed review of the existing multi-mission Sea Surface Temperature, Sea Surface Salinity and Sea Surface Height products, together with the existing methodologies aiming at merging this information and project it from the surface to depth in order to produce 3D maps of ocean currents. We will also review the existing Net Primary Production products available from the processing of space-born ocean color measurements (together with SST and solar radiation).
All available products will be analyzed focussing on their major limitations and drawbacks in relation to their use as forcing products for micronekton modelling.
This review will include a survey of current and upcoming initiatives related to the project.

WP1200 Available dataset analysis and identification of best candidate test areas

In order to identify the best candidate test areas to be used in the following tasks for development and validation of the prototype products, we will perform a detailed review of all space-borne and in-situ datasets available for the subsequent development and validation tasks. Together with the availability and accuracy of data, the identification of the best candidate test areas will also be strongly based on the a-priori knowledge of the interesting test areas from the point of view of marine resource management. A preliminary list of potential test areas is given in section 2.6.

These two subtasks will lead to issuing a consolidated risk analysis together with a consolidated, coherent and complete view of the scientific and operational requirements associated with the management of marine resources from multimissions products.

As output, a Requirement Baseline (RB) document will be issued, that will include a complete and detailed description of the information requirements concerning the calculation of ocean 3D currents from the merging of space-born measurements for the modeling of micronekton density.

WP2000: Dataset collection

WP2100: Data collection

In this task, a database of suitable EO based products, in situ data and relevant ancillary information will be collected over the areas of interest. This will include all data needed for the calculation of the improved surface salinity products, the calculation of the observed 3D ocean surface currents, as well as the data needed as input to the micronekton model (primary production) and all data needed for validation purposes (in-situ acoustic measurements of micronekton density). The database will be made accessible on the project webpage.
Any restrictions in the use of any type of datasets (e.g., proprietary campaign data) will be communicated to ESA in due time.
A first list of required data is provided in section 2.5 (Data Procurement Plan). They include all the ESA Earth Explorer satellite data mentioned in the Statement of Work: SMOS, Cryosat and GOCE, together with other ESA and non ESA satellite measurements archive, and in-situ data.

WP2200: Dataset User Manual

In this task, a Data User Manual will be written, that will contain a detailed description of the dataset as well as the related metadata.

The following outputs will be delivered as required:

WP3000: Development and validation

In this work package, we will perform the required R&D activities needed for the Prototype Demonstration Work Package. The time periods and test areas where this work will be done, together with the required spatial and temporal resolution of the target final products will be defined in details at the beginning of the project thanks to the outputs from the WP1000 and WP2000. However, first plans are to focus our test areas in the tropical and southern Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean Austral region where collaborations with colleagues from CSIRO Australia, NOAA-Hawaii and CNRS/IRD France are on-going (see also section 2.6). The output resolution will be 1/4°x week and may be increased to 1/12°x day in some specific region (e.g. Kerguelen Islands area) for specific validation studies.

WP3100: Surface Salinity retrieval from SMOS, SST and Argo data

The interpolation method proposed here to merge SMOS and in situ SSS measurements and build a high resolution SSS L4 product consists of a four-dimensional version of the Optimal Interpolation (OI) technique (Bretherton & al., 1976). It has been first developed and tested by Buongiorno Nardelli (2012) on the North Atlantic, and successively used also for other areas (e.g. Buongiorno Nardelli, 2013). The methodology maximizes the synergy between different sensors by taking advantage of the correlation between SSS and high-pass filtered SST measurements, thus allowing to increase the effective SSS resolution (up to 1/10° x 1/10°, daily) by extracting small scale patterns from high resolution satellite estimates of the SST. A similar (though simpler) technique, based on local weighted regressions between satellite SSS and SST, has recently been applied to SMOS measurements by Umbert & al. (2013).
In fact, in the classical formulation of the Optimal Interpolation (OI) technique, as well as in many successive applications (e.g., Gouretski and Koltermann 2004), the covariance function used is estimated from a functional fit of the autocorrelation of the observations as a function of distance, and the field to be interpolated is defined in a bi-dimensional Euclidean space [i.e., the geographical space (x,y)].The distance is thus simply given by the spatial separation. However, OI theory remains valid also considering other Euclidean spaces, provided suitable ''generalized'' distance and covariance models are defined. A typical example is the inclusion of the 'time' variable, (x, y, t), so that observations collected within a temporal window close to the interpolation point can be more efficiently combined to improve the estimate, taking into account the temporal correlation of the field (e.g., Le Traon & al. 1998; Charraudeau and Gaillard 2007).
At the oceanic mesoscale, i.e. (10 - 100 km), and smaller scales, (< 10 km), one of the assumptions of the standard OI algorithm, statistical stationarity, is likely to fail, and the choice of a fixed covariance model based only on space and time separation may not be optimal. For example, SSS covariance is expected to be spatially anisotropic and nonstationary in frontal areas and in regions characterized by strong mesoscale activity. Actually, small spatial decorrelation scales will be found perpendicular to the isothermals (because density differences are generally due to the presence of water masses characterized by different T and S values) rather than along the isothermals (where differences are basically due to isopycnal mixing alone). On the other hand, the decorrelation scales would certainly be modified locally by the field evolution/displacement.
As shown in Buongiorno Nardelli (2012), one way to account for part of this nonstationarity is to represent SSS as a function of space, time, and high-pass filtered SST (fSST) or, in other words, to define the variable to be interpolated in the four-dimensional space (x, y, t, fSST). A new stationary covariance model is thus defined by including a thermal decorrelation term. This particular covariance model allows to give a higher weight to the SSS observations that lie on the isothermal of the interpolation point with respect to observations taken at the same temporal and spatial separation but characterized by different SST values. This technique has been already applied to interpolate SSS ARGO measurements at 1/10° x 1/10°, daily resolution, using GHRSST L4 SST data to compute the covariances.
In this project, the four-dimensional OI technique briefly described above will be adapted to ingest SMOS (end eventually AQUARIUS) L2 and/or L3 data, either as additional observations and/or to build a new first guess field, concentrating on the test area/period selected. This will require a specific analysis/interpretation of the errors associated with SMOS products (starting from most recent results published on the matter, e.g. Boutin & al., 2012, 2013; Yin & al., 2012, 2013; Font & al., 2013), in order to properly define the observation error covariances for the OI (also keeping into account representativeness differences between the various products). Background errors and all other relevant parameters needed by the OI will be derived through specific independent validation/tuning exercises, starting from the approach followed in Buongiorno Nardelli (2012).
As discussed in Buongiorno Nardelli (2012), the four-dimensional covariance model is expected to provide more accurate results in the open ocean than in coastal areas or semi-enclosed seas.

The task will thus require the following activities:

  1. analysis/interpretation of the errors associated with state-of-the-art SMOS products, also keeping into account the space-time representativeness of the various SSS products, in situ and satellite SST data, starting from an in depth analysis of the most recent literature and documentation available,
  2. identification of the OI configurations to be tested in terms of input data and first guess field definition, as well as of the spatial and temporal domains to be considered for the development and test,
  3. definition of the observation error covariances for each of the OI configurations to be tested; derivation of the corresponding background errors and of all other relevant parameters through specific independent validation/tuning exercises, basing on the approach followed by Buongiorno Nardelli (2012),
  4. comparison between the different test SSS L4 products; independent validation based on available thermosalinograph (TSG) data (for SSS) and hindcast validation by comparison with original ARGO surface measurements.
Input data needed for this task are listed in the Data Procurement Plan (section 2.5).

WP3200: Surface currents retrieval from GOCE and altimeter data

The GOCE (Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation) satellite was successfully launched in March 2009. First Earth Explorer core mission from the ESA Living Planet program, its prime objective was to provide an estimate of the geoid's scales down to 100 km with centimetric accuracy [ESA, 1999] to serve the application of ocean circulation calculation. The geoid height N is indeed the missing quantity needed to compute (Equation 1) the ocean absolute dynamic topography (the sea level above the geoid) from the altimetric measurement (the sea level above a reference ellipsoid). Under geostrophic assumption, ocean surface currents can then be derived from the absolute dynamic topography (Equation 2).

In practice, the absolute dynamic topography cannot be computed as the simple difference between the altimetric measurement and the geoid height, as this would require to know the geoid with centimetric accuracy at scales down to a few hundred meters.
An altimeter provides indeed one sea level height measurement roughly every 350 m along-track, which are commonly averaged over 7 km in order to reduce noise. Alternatively, Sea Level Anomalies relative to a given time period P are computed using the repeat-track-method [Cheney & al, 1983], in which along-track mean altimetric profiles are subtracted from the instantaneous altimetric heights. To reconstruct the full dynamical signal from the altimetric anomaly, an accurate estimate of the ocean Mean Dynamic Topography (MDT) for the time period P is needed. The most straightforward approach is to subtract a geoid model from an altimetric Mean Sea Surface (MSS) defined as the gridded mean profiles , after making sure that both surfaces are consistent, and notably that they are expressed relative to the same ellipsoid and tide system (all details are given in Hughes and Bingham [2008]). However, altimetric MSS resolve much shorter spatial scales (down to 10 - 20 km) than recent satellite-only (i.e. computed from space gravity data only) geoid models and, in order to match the spectral content of both surfaces, filtering is needed. This can be done using simple filters as Gaussian or Hamming (Tapley & al. [2003], Jayne [2006], Bingham & al. [2008]). In order to remove as much noise as possible while minimizing signal attenuation, more complex filters may be used. For example, Vianna & al [2007, 2010] developed an adaptative filter, based on principal components analysis techniques, while Bingham [2010] applied a nonlinear anisotropic diffusive filtering.
In this task we will adapt and tune the optimal filtering technique developed by Rio & al [2011] in which both errors on the MSS and the geoid are taken into account, together with an a-priori knowledge of the MDT covariance structure, in order to smooth the noisy short scales while preserving the sharp gradients.
Compared to the previous fourth release, that was based on the use of 2 years of reprocessed GOCE data, this last release will benefit from the lowering of the GOCE orbit during the last year of his mission from 255 km down to an extremely low altitude of 224 km, providing accurate measurements of the Earth gravity at scales even shorter than the initial mission's objectives (100 km). Together with an altimeter MSS, this last GOCE geoid version will enable us to calculate an updated satellite-only Mean Dynamic Topography, to be subsequently used to compute maps of absolute dynamic topography, and by finite differentiation, maps of surface geostrophic currents on the selected test areas.

The different activities during this WP will include:

Input data needed for this task are listed in the Data Procurement Plan (section 2.5).

Expected outcomes are:

The method and validation results will be fully described in ATBD and VR.

WP3300: Projection of satellite surface products onto ocean currents

The methods use hereafter have been developed by the CLS team during the past ten years and has been implemented in real-time as part of the European MyOcean project ( as the observation-based component of the Global Ocean Monitoring and Forecasting Center. It relies on the combination of in situ (temperature and salinity profiles, surface drifting buoys) and satellite observations (GOCE, altimetry, sea surface temperature) through statistical methods. Global temperature and salinity (Guinehut & al., 2012), absolute height and geostrophic current fields (Mulet & al., 2012) are provided at weekly and monthly periods from the surface down to 5500-meter depth and for the 1993-ongoing periods.
The objective of this workpackage is to improve the existing methods in order to answer the scientific requirements listed in WP1000. This will include the following three sub-workpackages.

WP 3310: Projecting SSS, SST, SLA surface information onto 3D gridded Synthetic Temperature and Salinity fields

The first step of the projection of satellite surface products onto ocean currents consists in deriving Synthetic temperature fields from satellite altimeter SLA and satellite SST observations using a multiple linear regression method. Synthetic salinity fields are also derived but, due to the lack in the past of satellite SSS, using a simple linear regression method of satellite altimeter SLA only. Covariances used in the linear regression methods have been computed from historical in situ observations and for the global ocean. They have been computed locally on a global 1° horizontal grid using all observations available in large radius of influence around each grid point (up to 5° in latitude and 25° in longitude) (see Guinehut & al., 2012).

In order to adapt the method to the selected test area (see WP 1200) and to benefit from the surface salinity product retrieve in WP 3100, we thus propose here to:

The first task will be the evolution of the current method to reconstruct synthetic salinity at depth from a simple linear regression method of satellite altimeter SLA to a multiple linear regression method of satellite altimeter SLA and the surface salinity fields computed in WP 3100.
The proposed new method will require the computation of the covariances between surface salinity and salinity at depth. All available in situ observations collected in the selected test area (see WP 1200) will be used to compute these covariances but also they will be used to improve the current ones (between surface temperature and temperature at depth). As the test area will probably be at basin scale, improved resolution (horizontal and vertical) is required to better represent the mix layer depth dynamics and also to better represent the vertical projection of the mesoscale signals. Mix layer depth and mesoscale dynamics are very important for micronekton dynamics. Several tests are planned for the computation of the covariances in order to reduce expected problems due to non-uniform temporal and spatial distribution of in situ measurements. A compromise will have to be found between the target resolution and the availability of the in situ observations.
Validation of synthetic temperature and salinity fields computed using the new covariances and the new multiple linear regression methods (SLA+SST for temperature, and SLA + SSS for salinity) will be performed using independent in situ observations of temperature and salinity profiles. Mean and rms of the differences between the two datasets (in situ and synthetic) will be computed as a function of depth, time and geographical areas.
Input data needed for this task are listed in the Data Procurement Plan (section 2.5).

Expected outcomes are:

The method and validation results will be fully described in ATBD and VR.

WP3320: Combination of Synthetic Temperature and Salinity fields to in-situ ARGO floats measurements

The second step of the projection of satellite surface products onto ocean currents consists in combining the synthetic estimates (WP 3310) with all available in situ temperature and salinity profiles (Argo floats, XBTs, CTDs, moorings) using an optimal interpolation method (Bretherton & al., 1976). The method was first developed using simulated data (Guinehut & al., 2004) and is now applied to real observations (Guinehut & al., 2012). The key issue is to gain maximum benefit from the qualities of both datasets, namely the accurate information given by the sparse in situ profiles and the mesoscale content provided by the synthetic fields (deduced from satellite observations). Le Traon & al. (1998) and Guinehut & al. (2004) have shown that a precise statistical description of the errors in these observations must be introduced in the optimal interpolation method. In addition to the conventional use of a measurement white noise representing 10 % of the signal variance, an a priori bias of 20 % and a spatially correlated error of 20 % are also applied to the synthetic fields to correct large-scale errors and bias introduced by the first step of the method (i.e. the regression method). The measurement white noise of 10 % of the signal variance includes both instrument error (expected to be very small) and representation error. Representation error, as defined by Oke and Sakov (2008), is the component of observation error due to unresolved scales and processes. In other words, it is the part of the true signal that cannot be represented on the chosen grid due to limited spatial and temporal resolution. As Oke and Sakov (2008) found values greater than or comparable to measurement error in regions of strong mesoscale variability, it is applied as a function of signal variance. As the main objective of the combination is to correct the large-scale part of the synthetic fields using the surrounding in situ profiles, signal spatial correlation scales are set to twice those used to compute the gridded altimeter maps (AVISO, 2012). They vary from 700 km (resp. 500 km) at the equator to 300 km north of 60°N in the zonal (resp. meridional) directions. The temporal correlation scale is fixed at 15 days everywhere. The signal space-time correlation function is the same as that used in Guinehut & al. (2004).
All the errors used in the current version of the method have been estimated empirically and more accurate estimates are required to optimally combine synthetic fields and in situ observations. Adapted spatial and temporal correlation scales are also needed to better represent the ocean dynamics in the selected test area (see WP 1200).

We thus propose here to:

First estimates of the errors associated to the synthetic fields reconstruction have been performed in WP3310 (third task). These errors will be adapted to be introduced in the optimal interpolation method. It is expected that they will vary as a function of time and of space. Correlation between surface and subsurface fields being higher at mid latitudes than in the tropics, errors associated to the regression method are thus more important in the tropics than in mid latitudes. Temporal and spatial smoothing of the estimated errors might be required, depending on the availability of the in situ observations needed to compute those errors (see WP 3310).
The optimal interpolation method requires indeed global error estimates (no gap), and relatively smooth temporal, horizontal and vertical structures.
Those newly estimated error will then be introduced in the optimal interpolation method. Their impact will be estimate in two ways. The first one will be a qualitative validation by visual inspection of the dynamical structures reconstructed. The second one will use Degree of Freedom of Signal (DFS) diagnostics for more quantitative estimates. DFS is an influence matrix diagnostics, first developed for the atmosphere (Cardinali & al., 2004), and now used for the ocean in data assimilation systems (Oke & al., 2009; Sakov & al., 2012) and also in the altimeter DUACS system (Dibarboure & al., 2011). It provides a measurement of the gain in information brought by the observations. DFS is calculated as the trace of the HK matrix, H being the observation operator and K the Kalman gain matrix. The optimal interpolation method used in the combination uses a Gauss-Markov estimator that provides a direct access to the HK matrix as it is explicitly computed along with the error covariance matrix or formal mapping error (Bretherton & al., 1976). DFS are computed on each HK matrix, meaning each grid point in case of a suboptimal optimal interpolation method. It is thus possible to use this metric to access the local mapping gain in information provided by each dataset (in situ, synthetic). Partial DFS are associated with a particular dataset and are computed from the partial trace of the HK matrix, taking only elements associated with the dataset to be analyzed. Partial DFS associated with the dataset i is written DFS(i). Two metrics will be particularly studied: (1) the fraction of the percentage of the overall information content (%IC) for in situ data and synthetic data (%IC = DFS(i)/ΣiDFS(i) x 100); and (2) the fraction of information of each data type actually exploited by the optimal interpolation system (%ICexploited = DFS(i)/N(i), where N(i) being the actual number of observations from dataset i; i.e., excluding information lost due to duplicate data). Those two metrics will help us to quantify where the information comes from in situ temperature and salinity profiles observations and where it comes from the synthetic fields. They will also help us to check whether information is redundant inside a specific dataset.
New temporal and spatial correlation scales will also be tested in the optimal interpolation method in order to better represent the ocean dynamics associated to the selected test area. As for the errors, impact of those correlation scales will be quantified using the same methods (visual inspection of the dynamical structures reconstructed and DFS diagnostics).
Validation of the combined temperature and salinity fields computed using the new errors and the new correlation scales will be performed using independent in situ observations of temperature and salinity profiles, if any, or using the in situ observations used in the combination method. The last validation is not independent but it nevertheless allows confirming than the merging method has been performed in an optimal way.
Input data needed for this task are listed in the Data Procurement Plan (section 2.5).

Expected outcomes are:

The method and validation results will be fully described in ATBD and VR.

WP3330: Calculation of 3D geostrophic velocities

The third step of the projection of satellite surface products onto ocean currents is based on the thermal wind equation (Equation 3) has been first investigated and described in Mulet & al (2013). It consists in combining the altimeter derived surface current estimates to 3D density fields using the thermal wind equation (Equation 3).

Equation 3

The reference level is taken at the surface (z=0) where the geostrophic currents are well known thanks to the combined use of GOCE and altimetry, and have been tuned for the selected periods and test areas in WP3200. The horizontal density gradient in the thermal wind equation is computed from the thermohaline field calculated in WP3320.
A challenging issue when combining the surface geostrophic currents to the 3D density field regards the respective spatial scale content of the two fields (Mulet & al, 2013). Indeed, the two fields need to resolve the same spatial scales if the surface information is to be projected properly onto depth. For example, if the altimeter surface currents resolve shorter scales than the density fields, short scales surface information will be propagated all along the water column resulting in a over barotropic velocity estimate of the ocean 3D circulation.
This issue will be thoroughly and properly handled in this task in order to produce the best possible 3D ocean current estimates over the selected test areas. The spatial content of both the surface geostrophic currents and the 3D thermohaline estimates will be accurately analyzed and adequate filtering will be applied to ensure consisteny between the two fields.
The obtained 3D ocean currents will be validated through comparison to in-situ measurements of the ocean velocities (we will use for instance the velocity estimates at 1 000 m depth derived from the displacement of ARGO floats, as well as available currentmeter measurements), as well as to outputs from ocean numerical models as the GLORYS2V3 reanalysis from the Mercator-Ocean system.

WP3400: Estimation of Net Primary Production from satellite Ocean Color data

In this task, maps of net primary production and associated euphotic layer will be calculated based on ocean color satellite data. Two different methods will be tested for the optimization experiences of the micronekton model: the VGPM and the CbPM models (more details on these two models are given on A strong requirement for the numerical calculation of micronekton transport is to use cloud free images. To achieve this goal, interpolation techniques developed at CLS in the framework of the fisheries management will be applied on the ocean color datasets.

WP3500: Optimization of the micronekton model parameters

A key issue in this project is to optimize the calibration of energy transfer from the primary production to the functional groups of micronekton. A preliminary parameterization was achieved based on a first compilation of existing data in the literature and a Pacific basin-scale simulation at coarse resolution (1 deg x month). A more rigorous approach needs to use data assimilation methods to optimize the parameters using acoustic data at 38 kHz, the only data providing a synoptic view of micronekton biomass in the vertical layers of the ocean. The methodology has been developed and tested with twin experiments (Lehodey & al submitted). In this task various optimization experiences will be carried out with available acoustic data in order to obtain the optimal parameterization of the model.
The simple modelling approach used to describe the MTL components with a limited number of parameters is helpful to implement a method of parameter estimation using data assimilation. The matrix of En coefficients can be estimated simply using relative day and night values of acoustic backscatter integrated in each of the three vertical layers of the model. The energy transfer coefficients are optimized to fit the relative ratios of micronekton biomass (or acoustic signal: NASC) between layers changing during day and night periods. First, the NASC values are integrated at the resolution of the model in space (in each cell grids of the model and in each layer) and time (during night-time and day-time, and excluding transition periods). Then, the ratio for each layer and night or day period is computed relatively to the corrected sum of the three layers defined by their upper and deeper vertical boundaries.
The integration of acoustical signal along a transect is illustrated in Figure 1. According to the local time of the day, these values can be compared to the relative distribution of predicted biomass in the same layers, accounting for the different combination of MTL components due to vertical migration. Sunset and sunrise time periods are excluded by the definition using solar altitude.

Figure 1: Example of a portion of acoustic transect. After the vertical layers have been defined the signal strength is vertically integrated and then averaged at the spatial resolution of the grid of the model (1/4°) after excluding the sunset and sunrise time periods. The orange lines delineate the vertical layers boundaries based on the euphotic depth. The purple line shows the variation of the solar elevation angle (which is used to discriminate between night and day) through the day, from Lehodey & al. (submitted)

WP4000: Prototype demonstration and impact assessmentWP4000: Prototype demonstration and impact assessment

The prototype products will be generated depending of the outcome of the WP1200 which will define in particular the period and area of interest for the applications.

WP4100 Production of experimental datasets

WP 4110 surface salinity fields

A prototype production chain for the merged in-situ-satellite SSS L4 product will be developed and implemented at the CNR computing facility in Rome, based on the pre-existing scientific software developed by CNR in the framework of a Myocean R&D project (MESCLA project) and the results of WP3100. The time series of level 4 SSS product (covering the test period and area selected) will thus be produced by CNR on its own computing facilities. The prototype chain will be set-up taking advantage of the experience gained by CNR in the framework of Myocean-2 OCTAC and OSITAC.

WP 4120 Production of 3D ocean state fields

A prototype production chain for the estimation of the 3D ocean temperature, salinity and currents from the combined use of GOCE data, altimetry, satellite SSS and SST data, in-situ data, will be developed and implemented at CLS based on the pre-existing software developed in the framework of previous projects (Mersea, MyOcean).

WP4130 Project Dataset update

In this task, the Project Dataset and corresponding Dataset User Manual initiated in WP2000 will be updated to include the new experimental datasets produced in WP4110 and 4120. Both datasets and Data User Manual will be put on the project website and made freely available for public use.

WP4200 Demonstration

In this task the experimental datasets (net primary production, euphotic layer depth, temperature, ocean currents) produced in WP4100 will be used as inputs to the micronekton model in order to estimate a time series of the different functional micronekton groups biomasses distribution.

WP 4300 Impact assessment

In this task, the benefit and impact of developed products/methods on the specific test areas will be assessed. In order to carefully analyze the errors/uncertainties on the micronekton density maps, a comparison of the model outputs to in-situ acoustic measurements of the micronekton will be done. This will be done in close collaboration with colleagues expert in acoustic data analyses.
Also, in order to better assess the potential benefit and impact of the study on the scientific and operational production of micronekton maps, a comparison will be done with a global reanalysis of micronekton density that has been recently produced at CLS using outputs from the Mercator-Ocean model for the physical forcing of the model.
This workpackage will be done with the support of different partners with which CLS has already a strong collaboration on this topic. Two types of partners will be involved, those specialist of the in-situ acoustic measurements of micronekton, that will be able to help evaluate the micronekton model outputs in their area of interest, and those involved in the management of marine resources and potentially interested by the development of new applications from these products:

An Impact Assessment Report (IAR) will be prepared that will collect the final findings and results of this Impact Assessment activity.

WP5000: Scientific Roadmap

Building on the outputs of the different tasks listed above, a Scientific Roadmap will be defined in this task, in order to best prepare the transfer of the outcomes of the project into future scientific and operational activities.

The following outputs will be delivered as required:
Scientific Roadmap (SR) document that will define strategic actions for fostering a transition of the target methods and model developed in the project from research to operational activities.

WP6000: Promotion

Technical description:
As required in the SoW, the promotion workpackage will comprise the following activities:

The following outputs will be delivered as required:

WP7000: Management and Reporting

Technical description
In this work-package, the Prime will coordinate the work done in the different work packages.
The management and reporting work will include: project administration, contractual negotiation, contract administration, organisation and participation to meetings, project/financial/resources control, planning and schedule control, preparation of meetings, of minutes and maintenance of action item lists after each meeting. In addition, a number of reports will be issued including monthly progress reports, a final report for public access and an executive summary of the project summarizing relevant achievements.
All the management work will be summarized in a formal living document called Project Management Plan that recalls the project scope and work package content, that updates the Working Plan and scheduling (according a Work Breakdown Structure Graph and a Gantt Chart), list of deliverables and planned delivery dates and proposed Table of Contents for the deliverables.

The prime will issue monthly reports and send them to ESA with the updated progress report and completion schedule of the different work packages in the last month, the list of the issues encountered and proposed corrective solutions, the status of the minute action items, and the list of submitted and to be submitted deliveries.
The Prime of the contract will deliver to ESA the deliverables of the different Work Packages, the project management plan, the minutes of the progress meetings, the final report and the Executive Summary.